Wednesday, October 4, 2023

National Wildlife Week 2023 - Importance, History, theme and purpose - Library KV Dappar

History of Wildlife Week

Wildlife Week was first observed in 1957 in India. The most recent, the 67th Wildlife Week, was celebrated in 2021. The Indian Board of Wildlife established Wildlife Week in 1952 to raise awareness about the long-term goals of wildlife conservation in India. Initially observed as Wildlife Day in 1955, it was renamed to Wildlife Week in 1957.

Celebrations of the 69th edition of National Wildlife Week, an annual event, commenced at the National Zoological Park on October 2 and will go on until October 8.

This year’s theme "Partnerships for Wildlife Conservation", inspired by the theme of the UN World Wildlife Day 2023, honours the individuals and organizations making a positive impact on wildlife conservation!

D​esigned to foster inclusivity and collective action in the realm of conservation, the week-long celebrations will underscore the idea that partnerships and collaborations are essential components of effective wildlife preservation.

In the full spirit of Wildlife Week, environmentalists, conservationists and nature enthusiasts across the country will organize a wide variety of workshops and awareness campaigns in an attempt to educate the public about the critical importance of preserving India's rich and diverse flora and fauna.

National Wildlife Week’s history dates back to 1952 when the Indian Board of Wildlife conceived the concept as a means to raise awareness about the long-term objectives of safeguarding India's wildlife. Originally observed as Wildlife Day in 1955, it later evolved into a week-long event in 1957.

A notable milestone associated with Wildlife Week is the opening of Dachigam National Park to the public during the 1981 celebration. This allowed tourists to explore the park's breathtaking biodiversity, including the iconic hangul or Kashmir stag, contributing to a greater understanding and appreciation of the region's unique wildlife.

The choice of dates for Wildlife Week, from October 2 to October 8, carries deep symbolism as it coincides with the birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi, who championed the principles of Ahimsa (non-violence) and compassion toward all living beings. This serves as a poignant reminder of the moral responsibility we share to protect and nurture India's diverse wildlife.

Significance of Wildlife Week

India is a biodiversity hotspot, home to a vast range of animal and plant species. The country's flora and fauna account for more than 7 percent of the world’s biodiversity and 7.4 per cent of the world’s fauna. This rich biodiversity requires proper education and awareness for its preservation, which is why Wildlife Week was initiated.

Wildlife Week is observed to raise awareness about the role of wildlife in maintaining ecological balance. Any long-term damage to wildlife can threaten the entire ecosystem. Therefore, it is crucial to protect wildlife systematically and wholeheartedly. There is a symbiotic relationship between forests, forest-dwelling animals, ecosystem services, and humans. With indigenous people now managing around 28 percent of forest land, the mission of Wildlife Week is even more pertinent.

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