Friday, January 27, 2023


Data Privacy Day observed on 28 January 2023

Data Protection Day, or Data Privacy Day, is celebrated on January 28.

 The aim is to create more awareness about the right to data protection. 

Data Protection Day, or Data Privacy Day 2023

Data Protection Day, or Data Privacy Day, is celebrated on January 28.

 The aim is to create more awareness about the right to data protection 

and the various ways in which people can keep their data more safe. 

Let’s first understand the history and significance. The world is slowly

 but steadily moving towards digitization, but this also means our data 

is becoming more vulnerable. This year, leading organisations are expected

 to invest heavily in updating more robust cyber security policies and 

procedures, enabling security automation, and monitoring attack surfaces.

The theme for this year is ‘Think Privacy First’. In this digital age, 

it is pragmatic to prioritize data privacy, both for individuals and 


History and Significance of Data Protection Day

Data Privacy Day is observed, January 28, to raise awareness of the 

value of online privacy, which has been proclaimed a fundamental 

right of a citizen.  The Council of Europe on April 26, 2006, decided 

to coin a Data Protection Day and announced that it will be observed

 each year on January 28, the day on which the Council of Europe’s

 data protection convention, known as “Convention 108,” was opened. 

Data Protection Day is now observed worldwide and is known as 

Privacy Day outside of Europe. This day is now celebrated globally 

to raise one of the most important issues of the digitally advancing world. 

The main goal of the day is to educate people on the challenges and 

inform them of their rights to privacy.

10 Ways to Protect Your Personal Information and Data

Always use storage with data protection with built-in disk clustering 

and redundancy.

Always create copies of data and store them separately, to be able to

 restore data in case of loss or modification.

Always review data privacy settings on digital, and social media accounts

 and apps you use.

Regularly change passwords to keep hackers away and use passwords

 that are 10 characters long with complex combinations.

Make sure to only use devices with the latest firewalls and anti-virus software.

Turn off Bluetooth devices when not in use as Bluetooth devices can 

also leave personal data vulnerable which could be accessed by

 hackers in several ways.

Always keep your operating system updated to ensure that they 

have the latest performance and security updates.

Avoid using unsecured public networks as they may be vulnerable

 to breach and in some cases, they may be impostor networks 

waiting to steal your data.

Always secure personal info offline on a device that doesn’t

 connect to the internet to make sure it is safe and away from 

the reach of hackers.

Make sure to set up Two-Factor Authentication on all your 

financial and email accounts. 

Source :- 



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